Tuesday 13 December 2011


The word" Panchakarma" consists of two parts."Pancha" means five and "   Karma"means therapeutic procedure in Ayurveda.It has emerged as the effective therapeutic unit of Ayurveda.Ayurveda is not a science of treating diseases but also an art of living.Panchakarma can be administered for diseased and healthy people,because person who takes Panchakarma will experience a sense of well being.
The Five procedures are-
  1. Vamana[Inducing Emesis]
  2. Virechana[Inducing purgation]
  3. Basti[Medicated enema]
  4. Nasya[Nasal administration of medicines]
  5. Rakta Mokshana[Blood letting]

Vamana{Inducing Emesis}
In vamana ,specific drugs are administered to eliminate the vitiated  dosha.This procedure is useful in skin diseases like psoriasis,respiratory disorders like asthma.
Virechana.{Inducing Purgation}
In virechana elimination of vitiated  dosha is done through purgation.This is useful in treating skin diseases,acidity, heartburn etc.
Basti{Medicated Enema}
In basti ,medicated oil or decoction will be administered through rectum .This procedure is used to treat neurological diseases like paralysis
Nasya{Nasal administration of medicines}
In nasya ,medicated oil,or powder is ingested to the nostrils to remove the dosha through the nose.This procedure is useful in treating the diseases of ear nose and throat.
RaktaMokshana{Blood letting}
In this procedure ,blood letting is done through leeches,venepuncture etc.This is done in treating non healing ulcers,gangrene etc
For more details regarding pancha karma visit www.sathvikayuryoga.com

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