Wednesday, 14 December 2011


As blood circulates through the body ,it exerts varying degrees of force on artery walls and that pressure is called blood pressure.In its early stages ,high B.P is symptomless,so many people don't realise they have a potentially life threatening disease.If the condition goes untreated high B.P. damages the heart and blood vessels and can lead to a stroke,heart attack and other serious consequences.

Factors affecting high blood pressure

  • Age.With age B.p rises.
  • Family history
  • stress
  • Smoking
  • Excessive alcohol
  • Sedentary life style
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity and other diseases increase the risk.

         All adults over age 40 should have their B.P checked annually.But one B.P measurement is insufficient to diagnose  hypertension unless the reading is in the severe range.In order to properly diagnose hypertension  several measurements are needed-taken at different times and perhaps in different places.

Management of High blood pressure.

  • keep your weight down Being even slightly over weight contributes to hypertension.Losing excess weight ,brings the blood pressure to normal.Even a  modest weight loss will cause a drop in blood pressure.
  • Eat less fat A high fat diet not only contributes to weight gain but may also lead to high blood pressure.

  • .Reduce salt intake High salt diet also contributes  to the condition in people who have genetic tendency  to retain sodium.These type of people should restrict  salt in diet.Other than this older people  and people with diabetes appears to be sensitive to sodium and may get benefit from eating low sodium diet.

  • Reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption Consuming more alcohol and caffeine,especially in older people can raise blood pressure.

  • .Reduce stress Do regular Yogasana,Pranayama and Meditation to keep your mind relaxed.For more details
  • Life style changes 

            Give up the habits like smoking ,taking alcohol.                                           
            Regularaerobic exercise.
            Take garlic in food
            Avoid all non vegetarian food ,oil fried food stuffs.

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