Sunday, 18 December 2011


Tulsi  is an important symbol in Hindu religious tradition.Tulasi belongs to Lamiaceae family.Latin name of Tulsi is Ocimum sanctum.In English it is called as sacred Basil or Holy Basil.

  • Krishna tulasi-Ocimum sanctum
  • Rama tulasi-Ocimum sanctum
  • Vana tulasi-ocimum gratissimum

Medicinal uses of Tulasi[HOLY BASIL]

  • Tulasi is useful in both vata and kapha disorders.
  • Tulasi is effective in skin disorders like rashes,insect bite,itching.Especially used in ring worm and lukoderma.Fresh juice of Tulsi leaves taken internally and juice must be applied to the affected parts.
  • Tulasi  has anti inflammatory properties as it reduces vata.Hence its external application over swelling helps to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Tulsi leaves act as nervine tonic and help to sharpen memory.
  • Paste and juice of tulasi leaves help to reduce acne and scar.
  • Consuming 10-12 leaves of Tulasi daily helps to reduce stress.
  • Researches shown that Tulasi is very effective in reducing blood sugar and blood cholesterol.for more details regarding the management of  blood sugar and blood cholesterol visit
  • It heps to mobilise mucus in bronchitis and asthma.
  • chewing tulasi leaves relieves cold and flu.Decoction made with tulasi leaves by adding water,jaggery,ginger and pepper  can be taken in case of sore throat,cold cough and asthma.
  • Tulasi juice with honey can be given to young children with cold and cough.
  • Same Will be useful in case of renal calculi.
  • In headache Tulasi decoction can be given internally.Tulasi leaves pounded with sandal paste can be applied over forehead.
  • In eye disorders 2 drops of black tulasi juice are put into eyes daily at bed time.This is effective in sore eye and night blindness.
  • In diseases of ear nose and throat Tulasi juice is instilled to nostril.
  • Tulasi also has anti tubercular property.
  • Tulasi acts as digestive,blood purifier,analgesic,antipyretic,anti helmentic and anti fertility drug without side effects.
  • Seeds of Tulasi acts as diuretic.

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