Friday, 6 July 2012

Home remedies for Hair fall

Hair fall now a days common complaint.Junk food ,malnutrition,dandruff, hard water,lack of sleep, stress  are the main causes for hair fall.

  • Avoid the causative factor such as taking bath in very hot water,hard water.
  • Take sufficient rest,sleep 8hrs/day.
  • Keep the mind relaxed with meditation. For more details contact
  • Sufficient amount of essential nutrition in daily diet such as seeds grains ,vegetables, fruits ,milk,honey,wheatgerm etc
  • Coconut gratings should be grounded with little water and squeezed to get coconut milk.Massaging of coconut milk allover the scalp and hair roots is helpful in controlling dandruff  and  hair fall.
  • A vigorous rubbing of the scalp with finger after washing the hair  with cold water is very helpful for the prevention of hair loss.the scalp should be rubbed vigorously till it starts to tingle with heat.It will help to  activate  the sebaceous  glands and improves circulation of blood at that  part.
  • Oil prepared by boiling pieces of amla in coconut oil should be applied daily to the scalp.It stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.
  • Soak fenugreek seeds overnight,grind to a paste .Add coconut milk, apply on the scalp and hair, leave for 20 minutes and rinse.It tones the hair and prevents hair fall.