In olden days in India the richness of a king or common man was assessed by the number of cows they were looking after. They were used for agriculture purpose, milking and to maintain balance in the nature.People were healthy and contented.
As the time passed cow's meat was used as food.Gradually the few rare varieties of Indian breed cows were vanished.
Today the stress and disease or suffering and repeated natural calamities are due to imbalance in nature, we humans are realising Indian cows are must for human survival.Because they

(1)Distilled cow's urine-Arka is potent anti cancerous.
(2)Panchagavya-mixture of milk ,curd ,ghee, cow's urine,cow dung in particular proportion taken as medicine,works as vaccination in children and prevents infection by increasing body immunity.
(3)Panchagavya ghritha-A medicated ghee is nervine tonic and useful in few psychiatry cases.
- In olden days and even today cow dung and urine are used in Agriculture as organic manure.Eg:Cow dung slurry[from Biogas plant],Jeevamritha.For more details contact
- Few Indian breeds like Ghir,sindhi are good milk yielding and Kapila cow small in size is very precious today also.
- In olden days Indian village people were coating the mud wall and floor with cow dung in their houses, which prevents the growth of microorganisms and repells mosquitoes.
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